Top 3 Drum Songs From “KISS Alive!”

ventura drum lessons

Growing up in a musical household, I was exposed at a young age to my dad’s amazing jazz record collection, and my mom’s early rock ‘n’ roll collection, as well as the contemporary(now classic) soft rock I heard on the radio. These were great things that helped mold me into the player I am today, but right as I entered my teens around ’75 that all changed. I can’t recall the details, but that was when a copy of KISS “Alive!” came into my possession. From the moment I gazed upon that amazing cover photo, I was hooked.

KISS seemed to have every cinematic element I loved (horror movies, pyrotechnics, costumes, smoke, magic, makeup, etc) and was looking for in a band, and I felt as though this was MY music for MY generation. But what caught me the most was the one and only Peter Criss, immortalized with his sticks in the air, ready to pounce on his beautiful Pearl kit. Peter’s playing covered all of the bases, from shuffles, big band jazz chops, the heaviness of drummers like Black Sabbath’s Bill Ward, and the straight forward feel of Ringo. So with today being the anniversary of “Alive!”, I wanted to share 3 songs from the album that I personally think showcase all of his talent and influences. Hope you enjoy!

100,000 Years

Black Diamond

Rock N Roll All Nite

About venturadrumschool

Ventura Drum School provides the best drum instruction in Ventura County

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